
May 7, 2020


This pandemic has us all at home these days looking for something to do. Need a new game? Here is a decent list of free games you can print at home and play.

Print and Play Games

Asmodee - Catan, KeyForge, Love Letter, and many more

Tuesday Knight Games - 2 Rooms and a boom

Jelly Bean Games - Meow!, Night of the Mummy, Goblin Teeth

Cheap Ass Games - Tons of stuff here

Good little Games - Pocket Imperium

Virtual Board Games

Vassal - Free, Open Source, Create your own, Older games and newer games

Steam - Tabletop Simulator ($19.99) Very slick and polished, newer games and popular games

Board Game Arena - Free, automated setup and rules

Tabletopia - tiered membership (including free games), 900+ games new games and very good looking.