
Aug 16, 2023

Gen Con TCG Heist Persons of Interest Identified

The day before the "Best Four Days in Gaming" 2 people walked off with a pallet full of Magic cards as we reported last week. The Indianapolis Metro Police Department have released the names of 2 persons of interest in the case. Thomas J. Dunbar and Andrew Pearson Giaume are Identified by IMPD as "Strong persons of interest". IMPD is looking to speak with the New York Residents in connection with the theft of 300 thousand dollars of Magic cards. The two individuals were caught multiple times on camera throughout the convention center and finally in the sky-walk over to the Marriott parking garage. Funbar and Giaume are the designers of the card game Castle Assault.

Source: IMPD

Please contact the Crime Stoppers of Central Indiana at 317-262-8477 or the tips hotline on its website if you have any information.