Coffee and Tea for Gamers
Today is national coffee day (US September 29). Lets get caffeinated! I have stumbled across a coffee producer that is everything you could want in a coffee producer. Many Worlds Tavern is the place I am talking about. Based in Huston, Texas Many Worlds Tavern produces coffee and teas for gamers. Each variety is has a great name to go with the great flavor.

I had the opportunity recently to sample the The Great Old One long dark roast. The Great Old One is a well balanced coffee on the darker side as the name might suggest. Its a perfect to get the day started especially if your are about to embark on long game like Twilight Imperium (You might need a second helping towards the end of that one).
If you really want to impress your guests go for the monthly drop Treasured Realm. Treasured Realm is a single origin coffee that Many Worlds Tavern seeks out and it changes every month. In addition to the coffee it comes with a sticker, a set of dice and a magic item for D&D 5e. The coffee is delicious. The excellent coffee with all the nice extras really makes for a nice gift. Perhaps a host gift at your next game night?

If the coffee and dice were not enough Many World Taverns donates 1$ for every bag purchased to a gaming related community organization. This we loved, people helping people. If you sign up for the newsletter you can get a free D&D 5e adventure. This is perfect if you are waiting for your coffee to be delivered and you need to run an adventure with your group. Many Worlds Tavern has your back.
Coffee was provided to Bert's Tabletop Games for review purposes by Many Worlds Taverns.